Understanding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

You can read about the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the book of Revelation, chapter 6. Like much of what you read in Bible prophecy, these horsemen are rather mysterious. A lot of strange theories have been formed around their identities, so this video is an attempt to set things straight. In particular, weContinue reading “Understanding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”

What Jesus Teaches About How To Resolve A Conflict

The best way to deal with disagreements and conflicts is found in the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 18:15-17). Although the Church world pays lip service to Bible teachings about conflict resolution, working through disagreements is essential if we are going to call ourselves Christian. If you want good relationships and strong relationships, don’t gossip; insteadContinue reading “What Jesus Teaches About How To Resolve A Conflict”

The Most Famous Bible Verse

John 3:16 from John’s Gospel is almost universally regarded as the formula for how to inherit eternal life. However a deception in the Church has led people to consistently and almost universally misread this verse. Do you really believe in Jesus Christ? What, exactly, does that mean? This video may give you a whole newContinue reading “The Most Famous Bible Verse”

The Greatest Commandment…But Who’s Obeying It?

The greatest commandment is not as easy as you may think! Clichés about love are everywhere; but where can we see love in action? For that matter, what is love? And what did Jesus teach about love? He said to show love for God and for others, but HOW do we do that? The restContinue reading “The Greatest Commandment…But Who’s Obeying It?”

The Easiest Teaching of Jesus, and NOBODY is doing it!

You probably never heard this teaching of Jesus, even if you are a Christian. The false Jesus of the churches is, more than anything else, respectable. But what is respect? What did Jesus teach about it? Any attempt to resolve the problems with Christianity could do worse than starting with this most simple command ofContinue reading “The Easiest Teaching of Jesus, and NOBODY is doing it!”

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