God or Money: A Bible Study

Jesus said we must become like little children to enter his kingdom. (Luke 18:16-17) We need the kind of faith that little children have in their parents to meet all their needs. We have found that it works. Our heavenly Father is more than able to take care of our needs if we will spendContinue reading “God or Money: A Bible Study”

The Fear of Poverty

The system is powerless unless we let it frighten us. And if we fear poverty, we have already admitted defeat. Do we complain about system injustices but still play its games? If so, we have become part of the problem. Fear of poverty is what injustices are made from. Poverty is a bully. Let itContinue reading “The Fear of Poverty”


“Owe no man anything, except love.” (Romans 13:8) Passages like James 4:13-16 say it’s sinful to presume upon God with regard to the future. All that we can be sure of is the present. God willing we may be alive tomorrow. But if we obligate ourselves for the future (which is exactly what indebtedness does)Continue reading “Contentment”


Primitive people made statues, then convinced themselves that their statues possessed special powers. They would talk to them, give gifts to them, even kill their children and sacrifice the dead bodies to these lifeless lumps of wood and stone. Religious leaders used this misplaced faith to control people. It is disgusting to our enlightened minds,Continue reading “I-Dollar-Tree”

Praying in Public is for Hypocrites!

Jesus said that praying in public (well, praying out loud in public) is for hypocrites. So why is almost every church doing it? Jesus taught us how to pray. He said that silent prayer or secret prayer is the preferred option. Perhaps some of the supposedly “powerful” prayers we hear about in the churches areContinue reading “Praying in Public is for Hypocrites!”

Giving to the Poor

“Giving to the Poor” looks at the importance of secret giving. It also explores some possible exceptions to this command of Jesus; how helping the poor and needy can inspire others to give, and how it can be done more effectively when we work together in Christian community. Some people spend their time bragging aboutContinue reading “Giving to the Poor”

The Most Embarrassing Teaching of Jesus Christ

Of all of Jesus’ teachings, what’s the most embarrassing teaching of Jesus? The teachings of Jesus Christ are controversial and challenging, and everyone encounters some degree of difficulty with the things he is quoted to have said in the Bible, and what Jesus told his followers to do. Is Jesus wrong? Is the Bible true?Continue reading “The Most Embarrassing Teaching of Jesus Christ”

P.S. to The Most HATED of All Jesus’ Teachings

This is a response to “The Most Hated of All Jesus’ Teachings.” After releasing that video, I received a flurry of emails asking questions about this teaching of Jesus; a teaching which is almost universally hated by those who claim to follow Jesus. In this video, I will provide answers to some of these questions.

The Most HATED of All Jesus’ Teachings

Many people pay lip service to a few of the teachings of Jesus, but the words of Jesus that I discuss here are universally hated by those who claim to follow Jesus. Yet this one teaching actually defines what is a Christian. Hatred for this teaching has spawned many false gospels, including the heretical “prosperityContinue reading “The Most HATED of All Jesus’ Teachings”

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